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Our Movement

The Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement (VEYM) is a non-profit faith based organization with aims to train youth to become well-rounded individuals within society and ideal Christians. The VEYM is a branch of the Apostleship of Prayer, now known as the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, an official pontifical service under the Holy See. At present, there are over 130 VEYM Chapters at parishes across the US with approximately 2500 youth leaders and over 25,000 youth members.


Our Mission

The Eucharistic Youth Movement has two general purposes:

  1. To educate and train youths in becoming a better person as well as an excellent Christian.

  2. To organize and to guide all youths in spreading the Good News of the Gospel and to actively be involved in working for the good of society through charitable services and helping others.


Our Chapter


In the summer of 1985, a few of our past Đoàn Trưởng sat down and remembered all of the good memories spending time in Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể back in Việt Nam. Amidst all the laughter and chatter, a growing desire was burning within them to share their knowledge and spread their joy. They decided then and there that they would begin a chapter of the Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society here in the small town of Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Our Đoàn started out as a small group of dedicated “leaders” and a handful of young kids. As we strived to assimilate into the American society, we were more determined to keep our Vietnamese heritage. Keeping that balance was difficult and at times we failed miserably. However, our first Tuyên Úy, Father John Rebold, kept us going and provided us with spiritual guidance and strength. At times when our Đoàn was on the brink of collapse, Father John always reassured us and kept our dedication to TNTT going strong.

Through the late 80's and early 90's as hairstyles got taller and crispier, as our pants got baggier and baggier, our Đoàn grew in strength and number. We also began to get more organized and structured. Through the guidance of our past Đoàn Trưởng: Anh Tịnh, Cha Trí, Chị Hoa, Anh Pháp, Chị Hương, Anh Sinh, Anh Phong, Anh Hạnh, Chị Phương, Chị Ngọc, Chị Michelle, and our present Đoàn Trưởng, Anh Vincent, our Đoàn is stronger than ever.

Our kids demand more and more and our Huynh Trưởngs come up with better and better ideas. It is just the sign of the times. Who would think back in the 80's that we would be driving 15 miles from trạm to trạm in our Trò Chơi Lớn/Hành Trình Đức Tin? We still have our ups and downs, but looking back through the years, we are truly blessed with such tremendous support from the Vietnamese Catholic community and extremely thankful that we are what we are today.

La Vang - Tiến

Our Numbers

Ấu Nhi - 23
Thiêu Nhi - 22
Nghĩa Sĩ - 23
Hiệp Sĩ - 13
Hiệp Sĩ Trưởng Thành - 5
Huynh Trưởng - 37
Trợ Tá - 3
Trợ Úy - 1
Tuyên Úy - 1
TOTAL - 128

Ấu Nhi - 25
Thiêu Nhi - 22
Nghĩa Sĩ - 20
Hiệp Sĩ - 9
Hiệp Sĩ Trưởng Thành - 18
Huynh Trưởng - 30
Trợ Tá - 3
Trợ Úy - 1
Tuyên Úy - 1
TOTAL - 129

Ấu Nhi - 19
Thiêu Nhi - 15
Nghĩa Sĩ - 15
Hiệp Sĩ - 11


Huynh Trưởng - 22
Trợ Tá - 1
Tuyên Úy - 1
TOTAL - 107

Ấu Nhi - 29
Thiêu Nhi - 31
Nghĩa Sĩ - 21
Hiệp Sĩ - 22


Huynh Trưởng - 31
Tuyên Úy - 1
TOTAL - 146

Ấu Nhi - 30
Thiêu Nhi - 30
Nghĩa Sĩ - 17
Hiệp Sĩ - 24
Huynh Trưởng - 37
Tuyên Úy - 1
TOTAL - 139

Ấu Nhi - 27
Thiêu Nhi - 27
Nghĩa Sĩ - 25
Hiệp Sĩ - 16
Huynh Trưởng - 34
Tuyên Úy - 1
TOTAL - 130

Ấu Nhi - 27
Thiêu Nhi - 17
Nghĩa Sĩ - 27
Hiệp Sĩ - 12
Huynh Trưởng - 29
Tuyên Úy - 1
TOTAL - 113